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Non-Cash Gifts

Aireal photo of the REC

Gifts of Grain

In lieu of gifting cash, consider contacting your local coop or grain handler and transfer bushels of grain from your name to Southwest Minnesota State University.


Pledges to the SMSU Foundation enable you to plan a gift that is both convenient and tax wise. A pledge allows you to consider a more significant gift than otherwise may have been possible. Pledges to the SMSU Foundation are typically made payable up to a three-year period.


Gifts-in-kind are items of tangible property such as art, books, computer equipment, or agricultural products. When donated for related educational purposes, they are recognized at their fair market value. An independent appraisal is required for gifts-in-kind valued at more than $5,000.

Real Estate

Real estate can be contributed as a current outright gift or a gift through your estate. It also may be given to finance a deferred gift such as a charitable remainder trust. Available gifting options allow for continued use of the property for your lifetime or for lifetime income. All gifts of real estate, such as a residence, farm, undeveloped land, vacation home, or commercial property should be discussed with representatives of the Southwest Minnesota State University Foundation.

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